Flutter Customizable Image Croppper

Why You Use This Package ?

  • The shape of the cropper widget is not fixed, instead you can make it any way you want.
  • This allows you to crop the image wherever you want, however you want.


  • It helps you crop the picture as you want.
  • Multi image type support.


First create a sample the CropController.

CropController cropController =  CropController(
  imageType: ImageType.url,
  image: "https://picsum.photos/id/234/200/200",

Second set the created sample controller in the 'CustomizableImageCropper' widget properties.

CustomizableImageCropper(controller: cropController),

After this steps, call 'crop()' method the cropController's in the your wanna click or tap event method.

  child: Text("Save"),
  onPressed: () async {
    await cropController.crop();

Finally find the croped image in the 'cropedImageFile' properties in the cropController's

  child: Text("Save"),
  onPressed: () async {
    await cropController.crop();