registerCursor method

Future<String> registerCursor(
  1. CursorData data

Note The documentation from engine/shell/platform/

// This method allows creating a custom cursor with rawBGRA buffer, returns a string to identify the cursor.

static constexpr char kCreateCustomCursorMethod[] = "createCustomCursor/windows";

// A string, the custom cursor's name.

static constexpr char kCustomCursorNameKey[] = "name";

// A list of bytes, the custom cursor's rawBGRA buffer.

static constexpr char kCustomCursorBufferKey[] = "buffer";

// A double, the x coordinate of the custom cursor's hotspot, starting from left.

static constexpr char kCustomCursorHotXKey[] = "hotX";

// A double, the y coordinate of the custom cursor's hotspot, starting from top.

static constexpr char kCustomCursorHotYKey[] = "hotY";

// An int value for the width of the custom cursor.

static constexpr char kCustomCursorWidthKey[] = "width";

// An int value for the height of the custom cursor.

static constexpr char kCustomCursorHeightKey[] = "height";

// This method allows setting a custom cursor with a unique int64_t key of the custom cursor.

static constexpr char kSetCustomCursorMethod[] = "setCustomCursor/windows";

This method allows deleting a custom cursor with a string key.

static constexpr char kDeleteCustomCursorMethod[] = "deleteCustomCursor/windows";


Future<String> registerCursor(CursorData data) async {
  final cursorName = await _getMethodChannel()
      .invokeMethod<String>(_getMethod(createCursorKey), data.toJson());
  assert(cursorName ==;
  return cursorName!;