Cupertino Desktop Kit (CDK)

This project, defines Flutter widgets for Desktop, providing a macOS style aesthetic, built upon the foundation of Cupertino widgets.

The goal is to be able to develop applications for all desktop systems, including the web, filling in the gaps in the Cupertino theme.

The CDK prefix strives to be distinctive within the Flutter ecosystem, while remaining concise and suggestive of Flutter Desktop and macOS AppKit. In doing so, it captures the essence of the project.

Getting Started

The project itself is just a set of libraries that define and manage widgets. However, it includes an example of how to use them. The example can be seen on this website:

CDK toolkit web Example

CDK library documentation

CDK Example

Add the library as a dependency at pubspec.yaml

    sdk: flutter
  flutter_cupertino_desktop_kit: ">= 0.0.1 < 999.0.0"

Import the library

import 'package:flutter_cupertino_desktop_kit/cdk.dart';


flutter pub get
flutter pub upgrade

Use it

return const CDKApp(
    defaultAppearance: "system", // system, light, dark
    child: LayoutDesktop(title: "App Desktop Title"));

Run the example as a local app:

cd example
flutter create .
flutter run

Create the project if necessary

flutter create . --template=package
rm lib/flutter_cupertino_desktop_kit.dart
rm -r test
cd example
flutter create . --platform macos # Or the platform of your choice
flutter run -d macos --enable-impeller