format static method

String format(
  1. String input,
  2. Map<String, String> params, [
  3. ParamDecoratorFormat? decorator

Replaces params in input string Simply replaces strings with params. For more complex formatting can be better to use Intl. Set custom ParamDecoratorFormat to decorate param, for example: 'city' => '{city}' or 'city' => '$city'

Default decorator is set to ParamDecorator.curl

'Weather in {city} is {temp}°{symbol}' Then params are: { {'city': 'California'}, {'temp': '25.5'}, {'symbol': 'C'}, }

Returns formatted string.


static String format(String input, Map<String, String> params,
    [ParamDecoratorFormat? decorator]) {
  decorator ??= ParamDecorator.curl;

      (key, value) => input = input.replaceFirst(decorator!(key), value));

  return input;