localizeFormat method

String localizeFormat(
  1. String key,
  2. Map<String, String> params

Tries to localize text by given key. Then format string with given params.

Simply replaces strings with params. For more complex formatting can be better to use Intl. Set custom ParamDecoratorFormat to decorate param, for example: 'city' => '{city}' or 'city' => '$city'

Default decorator is set to ParamDecorator.curl

'Weather in {city} is {temp}°{symbol}' Then params are: { {'city': 'California'}, {'temp': '25.5'}, {'symbol': 'C'}, }

Returns formatted string.

Enable/Disable debug mode to show/hide missing localizations.


String localizeFormat(String key, Map<String, String> params) {
  if (_data.containsKey(key)) {
    return Parse.format(_data[key], params, _paramDecorator);

  return debug ? '${key}_$_locale' : '';