set method

void set(
  1. dynamic args

Parses input data and stores them as key: value pair. Can store any type of data - Map, Iterable, Objects and more.. Map - is directly added to data store. Iterable - is parsed and data are stored under their Type. Object - is stored under his Type. Other ControlArgs is combined.


void set(dynamic args) {
  if (args == null) {

  if (args is ControlArgs) {
  } else if (args is Map) {
  } else if (args is Set) {
    args.forEach((item) {
      _args[item.runtimeType] = item;
  } else if (args is Iterable) {
    if (args.length > 1 &&
            (element) => element.runtimeType == args.first.runtimeType)) {
      _args[args.runtimeType] = args;
    } else {
      args.forEach((item) {
        _args[item.runtimeType] = item;
  } else {
    _args[args.runtimeType] = args;