Instead of the current parameter catchAlways commands can get an optional
parameter errorFilter of type ErrorFilter which can be used to
customize the error handling.
Additionally there will be a Global error Filter that is used if no
local error filter is present.
Takes a list of predicate functions and returns the first non null
ErrorReaction or ErrorReaction.defaulErrorFilter if no predicate
The predicates are called in the order of the list. which means if you want to
match against a type hierarchy you have to put the more specific type first.
You can define your own predicates or use the errorFilter function
like this
This filter allows to pass a table of error types and the corresponding
ErrorReactions. Attention, the table can only compare the runtime type
of the error on equality, not the type hierarchy.
Normally you couldn't match against the Excpeption type, because the runtime
type of an exception is always _Exception which is a private type.
As Exception is such a basic error type this funcion has a workaround for
this case.
I recommend to use the PredicatesErrorFilter instead unless you have a
very specific use case that requires to compare for type equality.