Command<TParam, TResult> constructor

Command<TParam, TResult>(
  1. TResult initialValue,
  2. ValueListenable<bool>? restriction,
  3. bool includeLastResultInCommandResults,
  4. bool noReturnValue,
  5. bool catchAlways,
  6. String? debugName,
  7. bool noParamValue,


    TResult initialValue,
    ValueListenable<bool>? restriction,
    bool includeLastResultInCommandResults,
    bool noReturnValue,
    bool catchAlways,
    String? debugName,
    bool noParamValue)
    : _noReturnValue = noReturnValue,
      _noParamValue = noParamValue,
      _includeLastResultInCommandResults = includeLastResultInCommandResults,
      _catchAlways = catchAlways,
      _debugName = debugName,
      super(initialValue) {
  _commandResult =
      _ListenerCountingValueNotifier<CommandResult<TParam?, TResult>>(
, initialValue));

  /// forward error states to the `thrownExceptions` Listenable
  _commandResult.where((x) => x.hasError).listen((x, _) {
    _thrownExceptions.value = CommandError<TParam>(x.paramData, x.error!);

  /// forward busy states to the `isExecuting` Listenable
  _commandResult.listen((x, _) => _isExecuting.value = x.isExecuting);

  /// Merge the external execution restricting with the internal
  /// isExecuting which also blocks execution if true
  _canExecute = (restriction == null)
      ? => !val) as ValueNotifier<bool>
      : restriction.combineLatest<bool, bool>(_isExecuting,
              (restriction, isExecuting) => restriction && !isExecuting)
          as ValueNotifier<bool>;