widget/get_widget library
- AppScrollBehavior
- How we can use this For swipe with mouse, we need to change default scroll behavior of app. Pass an AppScrollBehavior instance to scrollBehavior property of MaterialApp: MaterialApp( scrollBehavior: AppScrollBehavior(), );
- CheckboxData
- ChipData
- CirclePainter
- GFAccordion
- GFAlert
- GFAnimation
- GFAppBar
- An app bar consists of a toolbar and potentially other widgets, such as a TabBar and a FlexibleSpaceBar. The GFAppBar displays the toolbar widgets, leading, title, and actions, above the bottom (if any). The bottom is usually used for a TabBar.
- GFAppBarTitleBar
- GFAvatar
- GFBadge
- GFBadgePosition
- GFBadgePosition is used to position the badges to top start, top bottom, bottom start or bottom end of the icon button See GFIconBadge
- GFBorder
- GFBottomSheet
- GFBottomSheetController
- GFButton
- GFButtonBadge
- GFButtonBar
- GFCard
- A material design card. A card has slightly rounded corners and a shadow.
- GFCarousel
- GFCheckbox
- GFCheckboxListTile
- GFColors
- GfDatePicker
- GFDrawer
- A material design panel that slides in horizontally from the edge of a Scaffold to show navigation links in an application.
- GFDrawerHeader
- A material design Drawer header that identifies the app's user. Requires one of its ancestors to be a Material widget.
- GFDrawerHeaderPictures
T> - GFFloatingWidget
- GfForm
- GfFormDropDown
- GfFormField
- GfFormQuestionWidget
- GfFormValidators
- GFIconBadge
- GFIconButton
- GFImageOverlay
- Creates a image widget with shaded overlay.
- GFIntroScreen
- GFItemsCarousel
- GFListTile
- GFLoader
- GfMultiCheckbox
- GfMultiCheckboxData
- GfMultiChipSelectData
- GfMultiChoiceChip
T> - GFProgressBar
T> -
T> - GFRating
T> - GFSegmentTabs
- Creates pills like structured tab bar. See GFTabBar GFSegmentTabs are best used as an alternative for GFTabBar.
- GFShimmer
- GFShimmerFilter
- GFSize
- GFSize is used to change the size of the widget.
- GFSocialButton
- GFStickyHeader
- GFStickyHeaderBuilder
- GFTabBar
- A material design widget that displays a horizontal row of tabs.
- GFTabBarView
- A page view that displays the widget which corresponds to the currently selected tab. This widget is typically used in conjunction with a GFTabBar or GFSegmentTabs.
- GFTabs
- GFTextField
- GFTextFieldPill
- GFTextFieldRounded
- GFTextFieldSquared
- GfTimePicker
- GFToast
- GFToggle
- A toggle button allows the user to change a setting between two states.
- GFTypography
- LinearPainter
- Loader
T> - RenderGFAppBarTitleBar
- RenderGFStickyHeader
- ToastCard
- ToastStateFulState
- ToastView
- GFAlertType
- GFAnimationType
- GFAvatarShape
- GFAvatarShape is used to shape the GFAvatar widget.
- GFBadgeShape
- GFBadgeShape is used to shape the GFBadge widget.
- GFBorderType
- GFButtonShape
- GFButtonShape is used to shape the GFButton widget.
- GFButtonType
- GFButtonType is used to change the type of widgets
- GFCheckboxType
- GFDrawerAlignment
- The possible alignments of a GFDrawer.
- GfFormFieldType
- GFIconButtonShape
- GFIconButtonShape is used to shape the GFIconButton widget.
- GFLoaderType
- GFPosition
- GFPosition is used to position the icon, badges to start or end of the button See GFButton and GFButtonBadge
- GFProgressHeadType
- GFProgressType
- GFRadioType
- GFShimmerDirection
- GFShimmerDirection controls the direction of the shimmer effect
- GFToastPosition
- ToastPosition Used to define the position of the Toast on the screen See GFToast
- GFToastType
- GFToggleType
- GFToggleType is used to change the shape of
- GFTypographyType
- GFTypographyType is used to change the type of GFTypography title widget.
- GFItemsCarouselSlideCallback = void Function(DragUpdateDetails details)
- When a pointer that is in contact with the screen and moving has moved again.
- GFItemsCarouselSlideEndCallback = void Function(DragEndDetails details)
- When a pointer that was previously in contact with the screen and moving is no longer in contact with the screen.
- GFItemsCarouselSlideStartCallback = void Function(DragStartDetails details)
- When a pointer has come to contact with screen and has begun to move.
T> = void Function(T item) -
T> = FutureOr< List< Function(String query, List<T> >T> list) -
T> = Widget Function(T item) - RatingChangeCallback = void Function(double rating)
- RenderGFStickyHeaderCallback = void Function(double stuckValue)
- StickyHeaderWidgetBuilder = Widget Function(BuildContext context, double stuckValue)