handle3DS static method

Future<String?> handle3DS({
  1. required String authUrl,
  2. required String successUrl,
  3. required String failUrl,

Open a WebView to allow the user to pass a 3DS challenge. success and failUrl should match what you have configured elsewhere!

authUrl the 3DS challenge URL received from Checkout. successUrl If the issuer redirects to this url, we will return the token. failUrl If the issuer redirects to this url, we will return null.


static Future<String?> handle3DS(
    {required String authUrl, required String successUrl, required String failUrl}) async {
  try {
    return await _channel.invokeMethod(
        METHOD_HANDLE_3DS, <String, String>{
      'successUrl': successUrl,
      'failUrl': failUrl,
      'authUrl': authUrl
  } on PlatformException catch (e) {
    throw FlutterCheckoutException.fromPlatformException(e);