scaleValue function

double scaleValue({
  1. required double value,
  2. required double fromDomainMin,
  3. required double fromDomainMax,
  4. required double toDomainMin,
  5. required double toDomainMax,

Scale the value that must be from the scale given by fromDomainMin - fromDomainMax to the "to scale" given by toDomainMin - toDomainMax.

The calculations are rather pig headed and should be made more terse; also could be separated by caching the scales which do not change unless data change.


double scaleValue({
  required double value,
  required double fromDomainMin,
  required double fromDomainMax,
  required double toDomainMin,
  required double toDomainMax,
}) {
  var fromDomainLength = fromDomainMax - fromDomainMin;
  var toDomainLength = toDomainMax - toDomainMin;
  // Handle degenerate cases:
  // 1. If exactly one of the scales is zero length, exception.
  if (exactlyOneHasValue(
    one: fromDomainLength,
    two: toDomainLength,
    value: 0.0,
  )) {
    if (fromDomainLength == 0.0 && value == fromDomainMin) {
      // OK to have own scale degenerate, if value is the same as the degenerate min/max
      return toDomainMin;
      // all other cases (it is the axisY which is degenerate, or value is outside dataYsEnvelope
    } else {
      throw StateError(
          'Cannot convert value $value between scales $fromDomainMin, $fromDomainMax and $toDomainMin $toDomainMax');
    // 2. If both scales are zero length:
  } else if (bothHaveValue(
    one: fromDomainLength,
    two: toDomainLength,
    value: 0.0,
  )) {
    // if value != dataYsEnvelopeMin (same as dataYsEnvelopeMax), exception
    if (value != fromDomainMin) {
      throw StateError('Value is not on own scale: $fromDomainMin, $fromDomainMax and $toDomainMin $toDomainMax');
      //  else return axisYMin (same as axisYMax)
    } else {
      return toDomainMin;
  // first move scales to be both starting at 0; also move value equivalently.
  // Naming the 0 based coordinates ending with 0
  double value0 = value - fromDomainMin;
  double dataYsEnvelopeMin0 = 0.0;
  double dataYsEnvelopeMax0 = fromDomainLength;
  double axisYMin0 = 0.0;
  double axisYMax0 = toDomainLength;

  // Next scale the value to the 0 - 1 segment
  double value0ScaledTo01 = value0 / fromDomainLength;

  // Then scale value0Scaled01 to the 0 based axisY0
  double valueOnAxisY0 = value0ScaledTo01 * toDomainLength;

  // And finally shift the valueOnAxisY0 to a non-0 start on "to scale"

  double scaled = valueOnAxisY0 + toDomainMin;

  collectTestData('for_scaleValue_test', [value, fromDomainMin, fromDomainMax, toDomainMin, toDomainMax], scaled);

  return scaled;