LegendItemContainer constructor

  1. required String label,
  2. required LabelStyle labelStyle,
  3. required Paint indicatorPaint,
  4. required ChartOptions options,


  required String label,
  required LabelStyle labelStyle,
  required ui.Paint indicatorPaint,
  required ChartOptions options,
})  :
      // We want to only create as much as we can in layout for clarity,
      // as a price, need to hold on on label and style from constructor
      _label = label,
      _labelStyle = labelStyle,
      _indicatorPaint = indicatorPaint,
      _options = options,
      super() {
  // There is no need to create the _indicatorRect in the constructor,
  // as layout will move it, recreating it.
  // So _indicatorPaint is argument, _indicatorRect is created in layout().