tiltedLabelEnvelopeTopLeft property

Offset tiltedLabelEnvelopeTopLeft

Position where paint starts painting the label, expressed in the coordinate system in which this _tiltedLabelEnvelope.envelopeRect topLeft (NOT the _tiltedLabelEnvelope.topLeft) is at the origin.

The returned value is the offset (before any rotation!), needed to reach the point where the text in the _textPainter should start painting the tilted or non-tilted situation. In the non-tilted situation, the returned value is always Offset.zero.


Offset get tiltedLabelEnvelopeTopLeft {
  if (_labelTiltMatrix == vector_math.Matrix2.identity()) {
    assert (_tiltedLabelEnvelope.topLeft == Offset.zero);
  return _tiltedLabelEnvelope.topLeft;