responseCodeMap top-level constant

Map<String, String> const responseCodeMap


const Map<String, String> responseCodeMap = {
  "0000": "API success",
  "9004": "The {0} value is not valid",
  "9005": "Some mandatory fields are missing",
  "9006": "This fields exceeded their authorized length",
  "9007": "Invalid merchant",
  "9008": "Invalid payment expiry",
  "9009": "Amount is invalid",
  "9010": "Invalid CurrencyCode",
  "9012": "paymentItem name is required",
  "9013": "paymentItem quantity is required",
  "9014": "paymentItem amount is required",
  "9015": "Existed Invoice Number",
  "9035": "Payment failed",
  "9037": "Merchant configuration is missing",
  "9038": "Failed To Generate Token",
  "9039": "The merchant frontend url is missing",
  "9040": "The token is invalid",
  "9041": "Payment Token already used",
  "9042": "Hash Value Mismatch",
  "9057": "Payment options are invalid",
  "9058": "Payment channel invalid",
  "9059": "Payment channel unauthorized",
  "9060": "Payment channel unconfigured",
  "9078": "Promotion code does not exist",
  "9080": "Tokenize Not Allow",
  "9088": "SubMerchant is required",
  "9089": "Duplicated SubMerchant",
  "9090": "SubMerchant Not Found",
  "9091": "Invalid Sub Merchant ID",
  "9092": "Invalid Sub Merchant invoiceNo",
  "9093": "Existing Sub Merchant Invoice Number",
  "9094": "Invalid Sub Merchant Amount",
  "9095": "Sub Merchant Amount MissMatch",
  "9901": "Invalid invoicePrefix",
  "9902": "allowAccumulate is required",
  "9903": "maxAccumulateAmount is required",
  "9904": "recurringInterval or ChargeOnDate is Required",
  "9905": "recurringCount is required",
  "9906": "recurringInterval or ChargeOnDate is Required",
  "9907": "Invalid ChargeNextDate",
  "9908": "Invalid ChargeOnDate",
  "9909": "chargeNextDate is required",
  "9990": "Request to merchant front end has failed",
  "9991": "Request merchant secure has failed",
  "9992": "Request payment secure has failed",
  "9993": "An unknown error has occured",
  "9994": "Request DB service has failed",
  "9995": "Request Payment service has failed",
  "9996": "Request Qwik service has failed",
  "9997": "Request User preferences has failed",
  "9998": "Request store card has failed.",
  "9999": "Request to merchant back end has failed"