identify static method

List<CardType> identify(
  1. String cardNumString, {
  2. bool validateLength = true,
  3. bool useCheck = true,
  4. bool ignoreNoise = false,
  5. bool handleAnonymization = false,

Pass card number and it will return list of matching issuing network, if found.

cardNumString The card number to identify.

validateLength Validate the length as part of the String identification. A false value can be useful to identify the fragment of a card number. Default is true.

useCheck Validate the card number as part of the String identification. A false value can be useful to identify the fragment of a card number. The validation will be the issuing network's validation, mostly Luhn. Default is true.

ignoreNoise Ignore common noise found in card number. This noise is any of - .. Default is false.

handleAnonymization Set any non-digits to zero. It is common to use "X" and "#" to hide some digits. Default is false.

var card = "4771320594033";
var identifiedCards = FlutterCardidy.Identify(card);
var isVisa = identifiedCards.isNotEmpty ?
    identifiedCards.first == CardType.Visa : false;

returns List<CardType> list of issuing network identified.


static List<CardType> identify(
  String cardNumString, {
  bool validateLength = true,
  bool useCheck = true,
  bool ignoreNoise = false,
  bool handleAnonymization = false,
}) {
  if (!cardNumString.isCardNumberValid(handleAnonymization, ignoreNoise)) {
    return List<CardType>.empty();

  var digits = cardNumString.toDigits(ignoreNoise: ignoreNoise);

  var identificationNumber = digits
      .padRight(_identificationNumberLength, 0);

  var isStrict = validateLength && !handleAnonymization;

  return _knownCards
      .where((knownCard) => knownCard.prefixes.any((prefix) =>
          prefix.contains(identificationNumber) &&
          (!validateLength || knownCard.lengths.contains(digits.length)) &&
          (!useCheck || isStrict && knownCard.check(digits))))
      .map((x) =>