CardScanConfiguration constructor

  1. String scanCardString = "Scan Card",
  2. String positionCardString = "Position your card in the frame so the card number is visible",
  3. String backButtonString = "Back",
  4. String skipButtonString = "Enter card manually",
  5. String denyPermissionTitleString = "Need camera access",
  6. String denyPermissionMessageString = "Please enable camera access in your settings to scan your card",
  7. String denyPermissionButtonString = "OK",
  8. List<String> prefixesRegional = const ["9"],


  this.scanCardString = "Scan Card",
  this.positionCardString = "Position your card in the frame so the card number is visible",
  this.backButtonString = "Back",
  this.skipButtonString = "Enter card manually",
  this.denyPermissionTitleString = "Need camera access",
  this.denyPermissionMessageString = "Please enable camera access in your settings to scan your card",
  this.denyPermissionButtonString = "OK",
  this.prefixesRegional = const ["9"],