getEnabledStatus static method

Future<FCXCallDirectoryManagerEnabledStatus> getEnabledStatus(
  1. String extensionIdentifier

Returns the enabled status of the extension with the specified identifier.

Possible errors listed in the FCXCallKitCallDirectoryManagerError.


static Future<FCXCallDirectoryManagerEnabledStatus> getEnabledStatus(
  String extensionIdentifier,
) async {
  try {
    String method = 'getEnabledStatus';
    int index = await _methodChannel.invokeMethod(
    _FCXLog._i(_self, method);
    return FCXCallDirectoryManagerEnabledStatus.values[index];
  } on PlatformException catch (e) {
    var exception = FCXException(e.code, e.message);
    _FCXLog._e(_self, exception);
    throw exception;