
A command-line tool which helps you to build and tag artifacts with ease.


  1. Installation

In pubspec.yaml, add:

  flutter_build_helper: "^0.2.0"
  1. Usage
flutter pub get
flutter pub run flutter_build_helper:main <OPTIONS>

with <OPTIONS> as :

  • --version=VERSION_NB (mandatory)
  • --out-path=PATH (optional) by default the output would be in Documents folder of the current user.
  • --apk (optional flag) means build an apk also
  • --no-aab (optional flag) means do not generate an aab

Examples :

flutter pub run flutter_build_helper:main --v=1.3.0+5 --apk
flutter pub run flutter_build_helper:main --v=4.0.9 --apk --no-aab --out-path="..."

Road map

  • --help option
  • publish to Pub ( into in reddit )
  • Ios build artifact
  • A customizable step to edit stuff before build
  • A customizable step to check stuff
  • migrate to https://github.com/fluttercommunity

Feel free to star the repo if you like it. :)

[]: https://pub.dev/packages/flutter_build_helper