
A Bugfender Wrapper plugin (implementing native code) for Flutter Projects.

Note: This plugin was provided by the community, hence it is published "AS IS", our support might not always be able to help you.

Using the package

Edit pubspec.yaml and add add flutter_bugfender to dependencies:

    sdk: flutter
  flutter_bugfender: ^2.2.0

Then run flutter pub get (or ‘Packages Get’ in IntelliJ) to download the package.

Edit lib/main.dart and add an import:

import 'package:flutter_bugfender/flutter_bugfender.dart';

And wrap your runApp statement like this:

void main() {
  FlutterBugfender.handleUncaughtErrors(() async {
    await FlutterBugfender.init("YOUR_APP_KEY",
        enableCrashReporting: true, // these are optional, but recommended
        enableUIEventLogging: true,
        enableAndroidLogcatLogging: true);
    FlutterBugfender.log("hello world!");
    runApp(new MyApp());

There are other init options:

  • apiUri and baseUri: alternative URLs for on-premises installations
  • maximumLocalStorageSize: maximum size the local log cache will use, in bytes
  • printToConsole: whether to print to console or not
  • enableUIEventLogging: enable automatic logging of user interactions for native elements.
  • enableCrashReporting: enable automatic crash reporting for native crashes. To report Dart exceptions see this.
  • enableAndroidLogcatLogging: enable automatic logging of logcat (Android only)
  • overrideDeviceName: specify a name for the device (deprecated, prefer FlutterBugfender.setDeviceString() instead)
  • version: app version identifier (Web specific)
  • build: app build identifier (Web specific)

You can also call:

FlutterBugfender.log("Working fine!");
FlutterBugfender.fatal("Fatal sent!");
FlutterBugfender.error("Error sent!");
FlutterBugfender.warn("Warning sent!");
FlutterBugfender.info("Info sent!");
FlutterBugfender.debug("Debug sent!");
FlutterBugfender.trace("Trace sent!");
 line: 42,
 method: "someMethod()",
 level: LogLevel.info,
 tag: "Custom tag",
 text: "This is a custom log"
FlutterBugfender.setDeviceString("user.email", "example@example.com");
FlutterBugfender.setDeviceInt("user.id", 32);
FlutterBugfender.setDeviceFloat("user.pi", 3.14);
FlutterBugfender.setDeviceBool("user.enabled", true);
FlutterBugfender.sendCrash("Test Crash", "Stacktrace here!");
FlutterBugfender.sendIssue("Test Issue", "Issue value goes here!");
FlutterBugfender.sendUserFeedback("Test user feedback", "User feedback details here!");
FlutterBugfender.getUserFeedback()); // Show a screen which asks for feedback

Report Dart and Flutter Exceptions

If you need more control on error handling, you can replace the call to handleUncaughtErrors() with:

// Capture Flutter Error
FlutterError.onError = (FlutterErrorDetails details) async {
  await FlutterBugfender.sendCrash(details.exception.toString(), details.stack?.toString() ?? "");
// Capture Dart Exceptions 
runZonedGuarded(() {
  runApp(new MyApp());;
}, (Object error, StackTrace stack) async {
  await FlutterBugfender.sendCrash(error.toString(), stack.toString());

Using this package in a web project

The plugin assumes the Bugfender JS library is already loaded. You may load it by adding the following snippet to your index.html file:

<script defer src="https://js.bugfender.com/bugfender-v2.js"></script>