requestPaypalNonce static method

Future<BraintreePaymentMethodNonce?> requestPaypalNonce(
  1. String authorization,
  2. BraintreePayPalRequest request

Requests a PayPal payment method nonce.

authorization must be either a valid client token or a valid tokenization key. request should contain all the information necessary for the PayPal request.

Returns a Future that resolves to a BraintreePaymentMethodNonce if the user confirmed the request, or null if the user canceled the Vault or Checkout flow.


static Future<BraintreePaymentMethodNonce?> requestPaypalNonce(
  String authorization,
  BraintreePayPalRequest request,
) async {
  final result = await _kChannel.invokeMethod('requestPaypalNonce', {
    'authorization': authorization,
    'request': request.toJson(),
  if (result == null) return null;
  return BraintreePaymentMethodNonce.fromJson(result);