scan method

Stream<ScanResult> scan({
  1. ScanMode scanMode = ScanMode.lowLatency,
  2. List<Guid> withServices = const [],
  3. List<Guid> withDevices = const [],
  4. Duration? timeout,
  5. bool allowDuplicates = false,

Starts a scan for Bluetooth Low Energy devices and returns a stream of the ScanResult results as they are received.

timeout calls stopStream after a specified Duration. You can also get a list of ongoing results in the scanResults stream. If scanning is already in progress, this will throw an Exception.


Stream<ScanResult> scan({
  ScanMode scanMode = ScanMode.lowLatency,
  List<Guid> withServices = const [],
  List<Guid> withDevices = const [],
  Duration? timeout,
  bool allowDuplicates = false,
}) async* {
  var settings = protos.ScanSettings.create()
    ..androidScanMode = scanMode.value
    ..allowDuplicates = allowDuplicates
    ..serviceUuids.addAll( => g.toString()).toList());

  if (_isScanning.value == true) {
    throw Exception('Another scan is already in progress.');

  // Emit to isScanning

  final killStreams = <Stream>[];
  if (timeout != null) {
    killStreams.add(Rx.timer(null, timeout));

  // Clear scan results list

  try {
    await _channel.invokeMethod('startScan', settings.writeToBuffer());
  } catch (e) {
    print('Error starting scan.');
    throw e;

  yield* FlutterBlue.instance._methodStream
      .where((m) => m.method == "ScanResult")
      .map((m) => m.arguments)
      .map((buffer) => new protos.ScanResult.fromBuffer(buffer))
      .map((p) {
    final result = new ScanResult.fromProto(p);
    final list = _scanResults.value;
    int index = list.indexOf(result);
    if (index != -1) {
      list[index] = result;
    } else {
    return result;