write method
Writes the value of a characteristic. CharacteristicWriteType.withoutResponse: the write is not guaranteed and will return immediately with success. CharacteristicWriteType.withResponse: the method will return after the write operation has either passed or failed.
Future<Null> write(List<int> value, {bool withoutResponse = false}) async {
final type = withoutResponse
? CharacteristicWriteType.withoutResponse
: CharacteristicWriteType.withResponse;
var request = protos.WriteCharacteristicRequest.create()
..remoteId = deviceId.toString()
..characteristicUuid = uuid.toString()
..serviceUuid = serviceUuid.toString()
..writeType =
..value = value;
var result = await FlutterBlue.instance._channel
.invokeMethod('writeCharacteristic', request.writeToBuffer());
if (type == CharacteristicWriteType.withoutResponse) {
return result;
return FlutterBlue.instance._methodStream
.where((m) => m.method == "WriteCharacteristicResponse")
.map((m) => m.arguments)
.map((buffer) =>
new protos.WriteCharacteristicResponse.fromBuffer(buffer))
.where((p) =>
(p.request.remoteId == request.remoteId) &&
(p.request.characteristicUuid == request.characteristicUuid) &&
(p.request.serviceUuid == request.serviceUuid))
.then((w) => w.success)
.then((success) => (!success)
? throw new Exception('Failed to write the characteristic')
: null)
.then((_) => null);