
A CLI tool for generating Flutter project structures and screens using BLoC architecture.


To use flutter_bloc_cli, you need to activate it globally using the following command:

dart pub global activate flutter_bloc_cli



Initializing Project Structure

Initialize the structure of an existing project using the init command:

bloc init

This command sets up the necessary directories and files for implementing BLoC architecture in your Flutter project.

Creating Screens

Generate screens (pages) for your application using the create screen command:

bloc create screen <screen_name>

Replace <screen_name> with the desired name of your screen. This command creates the necessary files for a new screen following the BLoC pattern.


To display this help message, use the help command:

bloc help


Initializing Project Structure

Initialize the structure of an existing project using the cubit init command:

cubit init

This command sets up the necessary directories and files for implementing Cubit architecture in your Flutter project.

Creating Screens

Generate screens (pages) for your application using the cubit create screen command:

cubit create screen <screen_name>

Replace <screen_name> with the desired name of your screen. This command creates the necessary files for a new screen following the Cubit pattern.


To display this help message, use the help command:

cubit help