Flutter Bakong KHQR

Simplify your life with Cambodia's only all-in-one mobile payment and banking app. Bakong redefines mobile payment and banking by combining e-wallets, mobile payments, online banking and financial applications within one easy-to-use interface for any preferred bank account. Stop switching between apps today and enjoy unrivalled simplicity, convenience and security with Bakong.

flutter bankong khqr view


If there is any problem, you can watch the video below.

Click here to watch video in YouTube


  • Flutter >=3.3.0
  • Dart >= ^3.5.3
  • Android compileSDK 34
  • Java 17
  • Android Gradle Plugin >= 8.3.0
  • Gradle wrapper >= 8.4
  • iOS 12.0
  • Swift Version 5.0

Supported Platforms

  • x Android
  • x iOS

Features Supported

See the example app for detailed implementation information.

Features Android iOS
Generate Individual
Generate Merchant

Platform specific setup


  • No need to do anything it's working out of the box.


  1. Add source to Podfile (ios/Podfile)
source "https://sambo:ycfXmxxRbyzEmozY9z6n@gitlab.nbc.gov.kh/khqr/khqr-ios-pod.git"
  1. Go to iOS folder
cd ios
  1. Run pod install
pod install


Create instance of FlutterBakongKhqr

import 'package:flutter_bakong_khqr/flutter_bakong_khqr.dart';

final _bakongKhqr = FlutterBakongKhqr();

Generate KHQR (Individual)

final response = await _bakongKhqr.generateKhqrIndividual(
  bakongAccountId: "sokha_tim@aclb",
  acquiringBank: "Dev Bank",
  merchantName: "Sokha Tim",
  currency: KhqrCurrency.khr,
  amount: 100,

Generate KHQR (Merchant)

final response = await _bakongKhqr.generateKhqrMerchant(
  bakongAccountId: "sokha_tim@aclb",
  merchantId: "123456",
  acquiringBank: "Dev Bank",
  merchantName: "Sokha Tim",
  currency: KhqrCurrency.khr,
  amount: 100,

Response data

 setState(() {
    _qrCode = response.qrCode;


  width: 350,
  amount: 100,
  receiverName: "Sokha Tim",
  currency: KhqrCurrency.usd,
  qr: _qrCode,