Flutter Background Video Recorder

A flutter plugin for Android to record videos in the background.

Getting Started

This simple plugin allows you to record videos in your Android app while the app is in background or the screen is locked or turned off.

Supported features (Android)

  • Supported on Android API 28 (Pie) and later
  • Video + audio recording in full HD (1080p)
  • Recording continues even if the app is in the background or closed
  • Recording continues even with the screen off or locked
  • Works with front as well as rear camera

Future additions

  • Audio only recorder
  • Camera preview when app is in the foreground
  • Flashlight

About iOS version

This plugin is not available for iOS platform. If someone manages to make it work with iOS, they can contribute to this package.

Any contributions/requests to add/improve features is much appreciated.

See example for implementation details