emailLog static method

Future<bool> emailLog(
  1. String email, [
  2. SQLQuery? query

Email the result of getLog using device's mail client. Provide an optional SQLQuery to contrain results between dates.


Logger.emailLog('').then((bool success) {
  print('[emailLog] success');
}).catchError((error) {
  print('[emailLog] FAILURE: ${error}');

// Or constrain results by providing a [SQLQuery]:
Logger.emailLog('', SQLQuery(
  start: DateTime.parse('2019-10-20 09:00'),
  end: DateTime.parse('2019-10-20 11:59')
)).then((bool success) {
  print('[emailLog] success');
}).catchError((error) {
  print('[emailLog] FAILURE: ${error}');


static Future<bool> emailLog(String email, [SQLQuery? query]) async {
  query = (query != null) ? query : new SQLQuery();
  return await (_methodChannel.invokeMethod<bool?>(
      'emailLog', [email, query.toMap()])) as FutureOr<bool>;