toMap method

Map? toMap()


Map? toMap() {
  if (_map != null) {
    return _map;

  Map config = {};

  // Were we provided a Transistor token?  Auto-config the url and authorization.
  if (transistorAuthorizationToken != null) {
    url = transistorAuthorizationToken!.locationsUrl;
    authorization = transistorAuthorizationToken!.authorizationConfig;

  // Geolocation Options
  if (desiredAccuracy != null) config['desiredAccuracy'] = desiredAccuracy;
  if (distanceFilter != null) config['distanceFilter'] = distanceFilter;
  if (stationaryRadius != null) config['stationaryRadius'] = stationaryRadius;
  if (locationTimeout != null) config['locationTimeout'] = locationTimeout;
  if (disableElasticity != null) {
    config['disableElasticity'] = disableElasticity;
  if (elasticityMultiplier != null) {
    config['elasticityMultiplier'] = elasticityMultiplier;
  if (stopAfterElapsedMinutes != null) {
    config['stopAfterElapsedMinutes'] = stopAfterElapsedMinutes;
  if (geofenceProximityRadius != null) {
    config['geofenceProximityRadius'] = geofenceProximityRadius;
  if (maxMonitoredGeofences != null) {
    config['maxMonitoredGeofences'] = maxMonitoredGeofences;
  if (geofenceInitialTriggerEntry != null) {
    config['geofenceInitialTriggerEntry'] = geofenceInitialTriggerEntry;
  if (desiredOdometerAccuracy != null) {
    config['desiredOdometerAccuracy'] = desiredOdometerAccuracy;
  if (useSignificantChangesOnly != null) {
    config['useSignificantChangesOnly'] = useSignificantChangesOnly;
  // ActivityRecognition
  if (isMoving != null) {
    config['isMoving'] = isMoving;
  if (stopTimeout != null) {
    config['stopTimeout'] = stopTimeout;
  if (activityRecognitionInterval != null) {
    config['activityRecognitionInterval'] = activityRecognitionInterval;
  if (minimumActivityRecognitionConfidence != null) {
    config['minimumActivityRecognitionConfidence'] =
  if (disableStopDetection != null) {
    config['disableStopDetection'] = disableStopDetection;
  if (stopOnStationary != null) {
    config['stopOnStationary'] = stopOnStationary;
  // HTTP & Persistence
  if (url != null) {
    config['url'] = url;
  if (persistMode != null) {
    config['persistMode'] = persistMode;
  if (method != null) {
    config['method'] = method;
  if (httpRootProperty != null) {
    config['httpRootProperty'] = httpRootProperty;
  if (params != null) {
    config['params'] = params;
  if (headers != null) {
    config['headers'] = headers;
  if (extras != null) {
    config['extras'] = extras;
  if (autoSync != null) {
    config['autoSync'] = autoSync;
  if (disableAutoSyncOnCellular != null) {
    config['disableAutoSyncOnCellular'] = disableAutoSyncOnCellular;
  if (disableProviderChangeRecord != null) {
    config['disableProviderChangeRecord'] = disableProviderChangeRecord;
  if (autoSyncThreshold != null) {
    config['autoSyncThreshold'] = autoSyncThreshold;
  if (batchSync != null) {
    config['batchSync'] = batchSync;
  if (maxBatchSize != null) {
    config['maxBatchSize'] = maxBatchSize;
  if (locationTemplate != null) {
    config['locationTemplate'] = locationTemplate;
  if (geofenceTemplate != null) {
    config['geofenceTemplate'] = geofenceTemplate;
  if (maxDaysToPersist != null) {
    config['maxDaysToPersist'] = maxDaysToPersist;
  if (maxRecordsToPersist != null) {
    config['maxRecordsToPersist'] = maxRecordsToPersist;
  if (locationsOrderDirection != null) {
    config['locationsOrderDirection'] = locationsOrderDirection;
  if (httpTimeout != null) {
    config['httpTimeout'] = httpTimeout;
  if (authorization != null) {
    config['authorization'] = authorization!.toMap();
  // Application
  if (stopOnTerminate != null) {
    config['stopOnTerminate'] = stopOnTerminate;
  if (startOnBoot != null) {
    config['startOnBoot'] = startOnBoot;
  if (heartbeatInterval != null) {
    config['heartbeatInterval'] = heartbeatInterval;
  if (schedule != null) {
    config['schedule'] = schedule;
  if (scheduleUseAlarmManager != null) {
    config['scheduleUseAlarmManager'] = scheduleUseAlarmManager;
  // Logging & Debug
  if (debug != null) {
    config['debug'] = debug;
  if (logLevel != null) {
    config['logLevel'] = logLevel;
  if (logMaxDays != null) {
    config['logMaxDays'] = logMaxDays;
  if (reset != null) {
    config['reset'] = reset;
  // iOS Options

  // Geolocation Options
  if (pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically != null) {
    config['pausesLocationUpdatesAutomatically'] =
  if (locationAuthorizationRequest != null) {
    config['locationAuthorizationRequest'] = locationAuthorizationRequest;
  if (locationAuthorizationAlert != null) {
    config['locationAuthorizationAlert'] = locationAuthorizationAlert;
  if (disableLocationAuthorizationAlert != null) {
    config['disableLocationAuthorizationAlert'] =
  if (showsBackgroundLocationIndicator != null) {
    config['showsBackgroundLocationIndicator'] =
  // Activity Recognition Options
  if (activityType != null) {
    config['activityType'] = activityType;
  if (stopDetectionDelay != null) {
    config['stopDetectionDelay'] = stopDetectionDelay;
  if (disableMotionActivityUpdates != null) {
    config['disableMotionActivityUpdates'] = disableMotionActivityUpdates;
  // Application Options
  if (preventSuspend != null) {
    config['preventSuspend'] = preventSuspend;
  // Android Options

  // Geolocation Options
  if (locationUpdateInterval != null) {
    config['locationUpdateInterval'] = locationUpdateInterval;
  if (fastestLocationUpdateInterval != null) {
    config['fastestLocationUpdateInterval'] = fastestLocationUpdateInterval;
  if (deferTime != null) {
    config['deferTime'] = deferTime;
  if (allowIdenticalLocations != null) {
    config['allowIdenticalLocations'] = allowIdenticalLocations;
  if (enableTimestampMeta != null) {
    config['enableTimestampMeta'] = enableTimestampMeta;
  if (speedJumpFilter != null) {
    config['speedJumpFilter'] = speedJumpFilter;
  // Activity Recognition Options
  if (triggerActivities != null) {
    config['triggerActivities'] = triggerActivities;
  if (motionTriggerDelay != null) {
    config['motionTriggerDelay'] = motionTriggerDelay;
  if (geofenceModeHighAccuracy != null) {
    config['geofenceModeHighAccuracy'] = geofenceModeHighAccuracy;
  // Application Options
  if (enableHeadless != null) {
    config['enableHeadless'] = enableHeadless;
  if (foregroundService != null) {
    config['foregroundService'] = foregroundService;
  if (forceReloadOnLocationChange != null) {
    config['forceReloadOnLocationChange'] = forceReloadOnLocationChange;
  if (forceReloadOnMotionChange != null) {
    config['forceReloadOnMotionChange'] = forceReloadOnMotionChange;
  if (forceReloadOnGeofence != null) {
    config['forceReloadOnGeofence'] = forceReloadOnGeofence;
  if (forceReloadOnBoot != null) {
    config['forceReloadOnBoot'] = forceReloadOnBoot;
  if (forceReloadOnHeartbeat != null) {
    config['forceReloadOnHeartbeat'] = forceReloadOnHeartbeat;
  if (forceReloadOnSchedule != null) {
    config['forceReloadOnSchedule'] = forceReloadOnSchedule;
  if (notificationPriority != null) {
    config['notificationPriority'] = notificationPriority;
  if (notificationTitle != null) {
    config['notificationTitle'] = notificationTitle;
  if (notificationText != null) {
    config['notificationText'] = notificationText;
  if (notificationColor != null) {
    config['notificationColor'] = notificationColor;
  if (notificationSmallIcon != null) {
    config['notificationSmallIcon'] = notificationSmallIcon;
  if (notificationLargeIcon != null) {
    config['notificationLargeIcon'] = notificationLargeIcon;
  if (notificationChannelName != null) {
    config['notificationChannelName'] = notificationChannelName;
  if (backgroundPermissionRationale != null) {
    config['backgroundPermissionRationale'] =
  if (notification != null) {
    config['notification'] = notification!.toMap();
  // Detect obsolete notification* fields and re-map to Notification instance.
  if ((notificationPriority != null) ||
      (notificationText != null) ||
      (notificationTitle != null) ||
      (notificationChannelName != null) ||
      (notificationColor != null) ||
      (notificationSmallIcon != null) ||
      (notificationLargeIcon != null)) {
        '[background_geolocation] WARNING: Config.notification* fields (eg: notificationTexdt) are all deprecated in favor of new Notification(title: "My Title", text: "My Text") instance.  See docs for Notification class');
    notification = Notification(
        text: notificationText,
        title: notificationTitle,
        color: notificationColor,
        channelName: notificationChannelName,
        smallIcon: notificationSmallIcon,
        largeIcon: notificationLargeIcon,
        priority: notificationPriority);
    config['notification'] = notification!.toMap();

  return config;