stopOnTerminate property

bool? stopOnTerminate
getter/setter pair

Controls whether to continue location-tracking after application is terminated.

Defaults to true. When the user terminates the app, the plugin will BackgroundGeolocation.stop tracking. Set this to false to continue tracking after application terminate.

If you do configure stopOnTerminate: false, your Flutter application will terminate at that time. However, both Android and iOS differ in their behavior after this point:


Before an iOS app terminates, the plugin will ensure that a stationary geofence of stationaryRadius meters is created around the last known position. When the user moves beyond the stationary geofence (typically ~200 meters), iOS will completely reboot your application in the background, including your Flutter application and the plugin will resume tracking. iOS maintains geofence monitoring at the OS level, in spite of application terminate / device reboot.

In the following image, imagine the user terminated the application at the "red circle" on the right then continued moving: Once the device moves by about 200 meters, exiting the "stationary geofence", iOS reboots the app and tracking resumes.

Note: Demo Video of stopOnTerminate: false


Unlike iOS, the Android plugin's tracking will not pause at all when user terminates the app. However, only the plugin's native background service continues to operate, "headless" (in this case, you should configure an url in order for the background-service to continue uploading locations to your server).

See also:


bool? stopOnTerminate;