persistMode property

int? persistMode
getter/setter pair

Allows you to specify which events to persist to the SDK's internal database: locations | geofences | all (default).

Note that all recorded location and geofence events will always be provided to your BackgroundGeolocation.onLocation and BackgroundGeolocation.onGeofence events, just that the persistence of those events in the SDK's internal SQLite database can be limited. Any event which has not been persisted to the SDK's internal database will also not therefore be uploaded to your url (if configured).

Name Description
PERSIST_MODE_ALL (DEFAULT) Persist both geofence and location events
PERSIST_MODE_LOCATION Persist only location events (ignore geofence events)
PERSIST_MODE_GEOFENCE Persist only geofence events (ignore location events)
PERSIST_MODE_NONE Persist nothing (neither geofence nor location events)

See also: HTTP Guide at HttpEvent.


int? persistMode;