foregroundService property

bool? foregroundService
getter/setter pair

[Android only] Configure the plugin service to run as a more robust "Foreground Service".

Android 8.0+

Defaults to true and cannot be set to false. Due to strict new Background Execution Limits in Android 8, the plugin enforces foregroundService: true.

A persistent notification is required by the operating-system with a foreground-service. It cannot be hidden.

Android < 8.0

Defaults to false. When the Android OS is under memory pressure from other applications (eg: a phone call), the OS can and will free up memory by terminating other processes and scheduling them for re-launch when memory becomes available. If you find your tracking being terminated unexpectedly, this is why.

If you set this option to true, the plugin will run its Android service in the foreground, supplying the ongoing notification to be shown to the user while in this state. Running as a foreground-service makes the tracking-service much more immune to OS killing it due to memory/battery pressure. By default services are background, meaning that if the system needs to kill them to reclaim more memory (such as to display a large page in a web browser).

Note: See related config option Notification:

:blue_book: For more information, see the Android Service docs.


bool? foregroundService;