policyTriggerSilently static method

Future<String> policyTriggerSilently(
  1. String subject,
  2. String policyName,
  3. List<String> scopes

Run user flow silently using stored refresh token.

On successful complete, the stored access-token will be refreshed (if necessary) and stored in the sessionStorage or localStorage respectively as specified in the configuration file.

The subject is used to specify the user to authenticate (it corresponds to the

Returns a Future containing a tag String. The tag can be used to differentiate operations. In fact, every AzureB2C asynchronous operation return a B2COperationResult in which the source tag is indicated.

The result of the method call is returned asynchronously to any AzureB2CCallback registered to the B2COperationSource.POLICY_TRIGGER_SILENTLY topic.

Possible operation states are:


static Future<String> policyTriggerSilently(
    String subject, String policyName, List<String> scopes) async {
  var tag = GUIDGen.generate();
  var args = {
    "tag": tag,
    "policyName": policyName,
    "scopes": scopes,
    "subject": subject

  await _channel.invokeMethod('policyTriggerSilently', args);
  return tag;