update<T extends AxelorModel> method

Future<AxelorResult<T>> update<T extends AxelorModel>({
  1. required bool baseDomain,
  2. required String model,
  3. required int id,
  4. required AxelorMapper<T> mapper,
  5. required AxelorBody body,
  6. int? version,
  7. String? endPoint,
  8. bool withAuth = true,
  9. Map<String, dynamic>? params,
  10. Map<String, dynamic>? headers,

update model in axelor backend

params: baseDomain: boolean flag to detrmine prefix of model if true will generate /com.axelor. + model if false will generate AxelorBuilder.domain + model model: model name in axelor backend id: model id in axelor backend endPoint: if no sufficient method provide to create end point, you can provide end point directly withAuth: if true add token in header params: query params headers: http headers mapper: Callback to transform json response into AxelorModel body: AxelorBody new record object version: Version number is used in order to ensure non-conflicting modifications of the record, and thus must be specified if version is null and body.version is null, auto version fetch will apply.


Future<AxelorResult<T>> update<T extends AxelorModel>({
  required bool baseDomain,
  required String model,
  required int id,
  required AxelorMapper<T> mapper,
  required AxelorBody body,
  int? version,
  String? endPoint,
  bool withAuth = true,
  Map<String, dynamic>? params,
  Map<String, dynamic>? headers,
}) async {
  final Options options = buildHeaders(headers: headers, withAuth: withAuth);

  final String _endPoint =
      endPoint ?? buildAxelorEndPoint(baseDomain: baseDomain, id: id, model: model, action: null);

  final int? _version = version ??
      (await Axelor.fetch(
        baseDomain: baseDomain,
        model: model,
        id: id,
        mapper: AxelorVersionModel.fromJson,
        body: AxelorBody(fields: AxelorVersionModel.fields),

  final Response response = await client.post(
    queryParameters: params,
    options: options,
    data: body.copyWith(version: _version, id: id).toJson(),

  return handleResponse<T>(response, AxelorListModel.fromJsonAsSingle<T>(mapper));