Language: English | 中文
A plug to select images also with videos and audios from photo albums,support ios and android platform.
- Image support
- Video support
- Audio support
- Support preview and edit image(mosaic, rotate,scale,scrawl,add text)
- Support screen rotate
Asset: ///media class /// Attribute: /// identifier: The file path of media for android ; The identifier of media for ios /// mediaType: Asset type - 0 image 1 video 2 audio /// duration: video or audio duration seconds /// mediaUrl: The local path for video or audio /// editInfo: editing info, /// ration: The aspect ratio of media /// originalWidth: The original width of media /// originalHeight: The original height of media ///Method: /// Get image byte data /// quality: Jpg quality /// maxWidth: The max width of image to need.(px) /// maxHeight: The max height of image to need.(px) /// if maxWidth == null && maxHeight == null , will get original image Future<Uint8List?> getImageByteData({int quality = 70,int? maxWidth,int? maxHeight,bool ignoreEditInfo = false}); ///Get image byte data by width and height /// quality: Jpg quality /// needCached: Need cache the thumb image to disk /// width: Image width (px) /// height: Image height (px) /// if maxWidth == null && maxHeight == null , will get original image Future<Uint8List?> getImageThumbByteData(int width, int height, {int quality = 100,bool needCached = false});
/// A thumb asset widget /// asset: Asset object /// width: The max width of image to need.(px) const AssetThumbImage({ Key? key, required this.asset, required this.width, this.needCache = false, this.index, this.quality = 70, this.boxFit = BoxFit.cover, this.spinner, this.backgroundColor, }) : super(key: key); ///A original asset widget /// picSizeWidth: The thumb image width when Loading big image(px) const AssetOriginalImage({ Key? key, required this.asset, this.quality = 70, this.picSizeWidth = 600, this.fit = BoxFit.fill, int? maxWidth, int? maxHeight, this.spinner, }) : maxWidth= maxWidth ?? 2500,maxHeight = maxHeight ?? 2500, super(key: key);
Choose assets
///maxNumber: The max count to choose ///isCupertinoType: true use CupertinoPageScaffold else Scaffold ///scrollReverse: show last asset on gridView bottom ///dropDownBannerMode: true select Asset Collection list with dropdown banner , else Asset Collection list show in another page ///type: media type to choose ///photoDidSelectCallBack: The callback for result. Future showAssetPickNavigationDialog<T>({ required BuildContext context, int maxNumber = 8, bool isCupertinoType = false, ///show last asset on gridView bottom bool scrollReverse = true, ///select Asset Collection with dropdown banner else with another list bool dropDownBannerMode = true, AssetPickerType type = AssetPickerType.picture, AssetPickedCallback? photoDidSelectCallBack });
Cache control
///Get asset disk cache size(byte) Future<double> getAssetPickCacheSize(); ///Clean Caches(Not recommended,re-cached when next choose ) Future cleanAssetPickCache() async;