Flutter AppAuth Plugin

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A Flutter bridge for AppAuth (https://appauth.io) used authenticating and authorizing users. Note that AppAuth also supports the PKCE extension that is required some providers so this plugin should work with them.


  • This plugin requires apps to be using AndroidX. The Flutter tooling supports creating apps with AndroidX support but requires passing the androidx flag. Details on AndroidX compatibility and migration can be found here
  • If Chrome Custom Tabs are not working in your Android app, check to make sure that you have the latest version of this plugin, Android Studio, Gradle distribution and Android Gradle plugin for your app. There was previously a known issue with the Android tooling with AndroidX that should now be resolved since Android Studio 3.4 has been released

Tutorials from identity providers

Getting Started

Please see the example that demonstrates how to sign into the demo IdentityServer instance (https://demo.duendesoftware.com). It has also been tested with Azure B2C, Auth0, FusionAuth and Google Sign-in. Developers should check the documentation of the identity provider they are using to see what capabilities it supports (e.g. how to logout, what values of the prompt parameter it supports etc) and how to configure/register their application with the identity provider. Understanding OAuth 2.0 is also essential, especially when it comes to best practices for native mobile apps.

The first step is to create an instance of the plugin

FlutterAppAuth appAuth = FlutterAppAuth();

Afterwards, you'll reach a point where end-users need to be authorized and authenticated. A convenience method is provided that will perform an authorization request and automatically exchange the authorization code. This can be done in a few different ways, one of which is to use the OpenID Connect Discovery

final AuthorizationTokenResponse result = await appAuth.authorizeAndExchangeCode(
                      discoveryUrl: '<discovery_url>',
                      scopes: ['openid','profile', 'email', 'offline_access', 'api'],

Here the <client_id> and <redirect_url> should be replaced by the values registered with your identity provider. The <discovery_url> would be the URL for the discovery endpoint exposed by your provider that will return a document containing information about the OAuth 2.0 endpoints among other things. This URL is obtained by concatenating the issuer with the path /.well-known/openid-configuration. For example, the full URL for the IdentityServer instance is https://demo.duendesoftware.com/.well-known/openid-configuration. As demonstrated in the above sample code, it's also possible specify the scopes being requested.

Rather than using the full discovery URL, the issuer could be used instead so that the process retrieving the discovery document is skipped

final AuthorizationTokenResponse result = await appAuth.authorizeAndExchangeCode(
                      issuer: '<issuer>',
                      scopes: ['openid','profile', 'email', 'offline_access', 'api'],

In the event that discovery isn't supported or that you already know the endpoints for your server, they could be explicitly specified

final AuthorizationTokenResponse result = await appAuth.authorizeAndExchangeCode(
                      serviceConfiguration: AuthorizationServiceConfiguration(authorizationEndpoint: '<authorization_endpoint>',  tokenEndpoint: '<token_endpoint>', endSessionEndpoint: '<end_session_endpoint>'),
                      scopes: [...]

Upon completing the request successfully, the method should return an object (the result variable in the above sample code is an instance of the AuthorizationTokenResponse class) that contain details that should be stored for future use e.g. access token, refresh token etc.

If you would prefer to not have the automatic code exchange to happen then can call the authorize method instead of the authorizeAndExchangeCode method. This will return an instance of the AuthorizationResponse class that will contain the nonce value and code verifier (note: code verifier is used as part of implement PKCE) that AppAuth generated when issuing the authorization request, the authorization code and additional parameters should they exist. The nonce, code verifier and authorization code would need to be stored so they can then be reused to exchange the code later on e.g.

final TokenResponse result = await appAuth.token(TokenRequest('<client_id>', '<redirect_url>',
        authorizationCode: '<authorization_code>',
        discoveryUrl: '<discovery_url>',
        codeVerifier: '<code_verifier>',
        nonce: 'nonce',
        scopes: ['openid','profile', 'email', 'offline_access', 'api']));

Reusing the nonce and code verifier is particularly important as the AppAuth SDKs (especially on Android) may return an error (e.g. ID token validation error due to nonce mismatch) if this isn't done

Detecting user cancellation

Both the authorize and authorizeAndExchangeCode launch the user into a browser which they can cancel. This shouldn't be considered an error and should be handled gracefully.

try {
  await appAuth.authorize(...); // Or authorizeAndExchangeCode(...)
} on FlutterAppAuthUserCancelledException catch (e) {
  // Handle user cancellation

Refreshing tokens

Some providers may return a refresh token that could be used to refresh short-lived access tokens. A request to get a new access token before it expires could be made that would like similar to the following code

final TokenResponse result = await appAuth.token(TokenRequest('<client_id>', '<redirect_url>',
        discoveryUrl: '<discovery_url>',
        refreshToken: '<refresh_token>',
        scopes: ['openid','profile', 'email', 'offline_access', 'api']));

End session

If your server has an end session endpoint, you can trigger an end session request that is typically used for logging out of the built-in browser with code similar to what's shown below

await appAuth.endSession(EndSessionRequest(
          idTokenHint: '<idToken>',
          postLogoutRedirectUrl: '<postLogoutRedirectUrl>',
          serviceConfiguration: AuthorizationServiceConfiguration(authorizationEndpoint: '<authorization_endpoint>',  tokenEndpooint: '<token_endpoint>', endSessionEndpoint: '<end_session_endpoint>'));

The above code passes an AuthorizationServiceConfiguration with all the endpoints defined but alternatives are to specify an issuer or discoveryUrl like you would with the other APIs in the plugin (e.g. authorizeAndExchangeCode()).

Handling errors

Each of these methods will throw exceptions if anything goes wrong. For example:

try {
  await appAuth.authorize(...);
} on FlutterAppAuthPlatformException catch (e) {
  final FlutterAppAuthPlatformErrorDetails details = e.details;
  // Handle exceptions based on errors from AppAuth.
} catch (e) {
  // Handle other errors.

The `FlutterAppAuthPlatformErrorDetails` object contains all the error information from the underlying platform's AppAuth SDK.

This includes the error codes specified in the [RFC](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749#section-5.2).

Ephemeral Sessions (iOS and macOS only)

On iOS (versions 13 and above) and macOS you can use the option preferEphemeralSession = true to start an ephemeral browser session to sign in and sign out.

With an ephemeral session there will be no warning like "app_name" Wants to Use "domain_name" to Sign In on iOS.

The option preferEphemeralSession = true must only be used for the end session call if it is also used for the sign in call. Otherwise, there will be still an active login session in the browser.

Android setup

Go to the build.gradle file for your Android app to specify the custom scheme so that there should be a section in it that look similar to the following but replace <your_custom_scheme> with the desired value

android {
    defaultConfig {
        manifestPlaceholders += [
                'appAuthRedirectScheme': '<your_custom_scheme>'

Alternatively, the redirect URI can be directly configured by adding an intent-filter for AppAuth's RedirectUriReceiverActivity to your AndroidManifest.xml:

<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>
        <data android:scheme="<your_custom_scheme>"

Please ensure that value of <your_custom_scheme> is all in lowercase as there've been reports from the community who had issues with redirects if there were any capital letters. You may also notice the += operation is applied on manifestPlaceholders instead of =. This is intentional and required as newer versions of the Flutter SDK has made some changes underneath the hood to deal with multidex. Using = instead of += can lead to errors like the following

Attribute application@name at AndroidManifest.xml:5:9-42 requires a placeholder substitution but no value for <applicationName> is provided.

If you see this error then update your build.gradle to use += instead.

iOS/macOS setup

Go to the Info.plist for your iOS/macOS app to specify the custom scheme so that there should be a section in it that look similar to the following but replace <your_custom_scheme> with the desired value


Note: iOS apps generate a file called cache.db which contains the table cfurl_cache_receiver_data. This table will contain the access token obtained after the login is completed. If the potential data leak represents a threat for your application then you can disable the information caching for the entire iOS app (ex. https://kunalgupta1508.medium.com/data-leakage-with-cache-db-2d311582cf23).

API docs

API docs can be found here


When connecting to Azure B2C or Azure AD, the login request redirects properly on Android but not on iOS. What's going on?

The AppAuth iOS SDK has some logic to validate the redirect URL to see if it should be responsible for processing the redirect. This appears to be failing under certain circumstances. Adding a trailing slash to the redirect URL specified in your code has been reported to fix the issue.

