
A Flutter plugin for app developers to advertise their own apps (or others) in in the form of a dialog/popup.

Android iOS


In a terminal of your flutter project, run the command:

flutter pub add flutter_app_popup_ad

In your library add the following import:

import 'package:flutter_app_popup_ad/flutter_app_popup_ad.dart';


This package requires a list of apps that you will like to advertise. You will need to initialize the package with a List<AppInfo> or a public url that the package can fetch from. You can find a code example below

  void initState(){
    WidgetsBinding.instance?.addPostFrameCallback((_) async {
      // set this if the host app is in the list of apps to advertise
      // prevents it from advertising itself
      final flutterAppPopupAd = FlutterAppPopupAd();
      flutterAppPopupAd.thisAppId = "om.Raziel619";
      await flutterAppPopupAd.initializeWithUrl('https://dev.raziel619.com/ariel/api/getpreviews', updateFreqDays: 1);
      // or you can use flutterAppPopupAd.initializeWithApps(apps)
      await flutterAppPopupAd.determineAndShowAd(context, freq: 0);
  • updateFreqDays - sets the time interval that initializeWithUrl will fetch list of apps from url
  • freq - sets the number of times the app must be opened to show the next ad. If set to 0, an ad will be shown everytime the determineAndShowAd method is called

Suggested approach is to call the package after your main.dart has returned a MaterialApp so that flutter's showDialog method can work.


Currently, this package only fully supports Android. For iOS, you can pass in a URL link to the app's page on the Apple app store and the package will direct users to there.