FadeAnimatedTheme constructor

const FadeAnimatedTheme({
  1. Key? key,
  2. required ThemeData data,
  3. bool isMaterialAppTheme = false,
  4. Curve curve = Curves.linear,
  5. Duration duration = kThemeAnimationDuration,
  6. VoidCallback? onEnd,
  7. required Widget child,

Creates an animated theme.

By default, the theme transition uses a linear curve. The data and child arguments must not be null.


const FadeAnimatedTheme({
  Key? key,
  required this.data,
  this.isMaterialAppTheme = false,
  Curve curve = Curves.linear,
  Duration duration = kThemeAnimationDuration,
  VoidCallback? onEnd,
  required this.child,
})  : assert(child != null),
      assert(data != null),
      super(key: key, curve: curve, duration: duration, onEnd: onEnd);