Useanimations class

  • Lottie animations for Useanimations icon libraries
  • constants link to json icon resources


hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


activity → const String
map activity to Lottie activity
airplay → const String
map airplay to Lottie airplay
alertCircle → const String
map alertCircle to Lottie alertCircle
alertOctagon → const String
map alertOctagon to Lottie alertOctagon
alertTriangle → const String
map alertTriangle to Lottie alertTriangle
archive → const String
map archive to Lottie archive
arrowDown → const String
map arrowDown to Lottie arrowDown
arrowDownCircle → const String
map arrowDownCircle to Lottie arrowDownCircle
arrowLeftCircle → const String
map arrowLeftCircle to Lottie arrowLeftCircle
arrowRightCircle → const String
map arrowRightCircle to Lottie arrowRightCircle
arrowUp → const String
map arrowUp to Lottie arrowUp
arrowUpCircle → const String
map arrowUpCircle to Lottie arrowUpCircle
behance → const String
map behance to Lottie behance
bookmark → const String
map bookmark to Lottie bookmark
calendar → const String
map calendar to Lottie calendar
checkBox → const String
map checkBox to Lottie checkBox
checkmark → const String
map checkmark to Lottie checkmark
codepen → const String
map codepen to Lottie codepen
copy → const String
map copy to Lottie copy
download → const String
map download to Lottie download
dribbble → const String
map dribbble to Lottie dribbble
edit → const String
map edit to Lottie edit
error → const String
map error to Lottie error
Explore → const String
map Explore to Lottie Explore
facebook → const String
map facebook to Lottie facebook
folder → const String
map folder to Lottie folder
github → const String
map github to Lottie github
heart → const String
map heart to Lottie heart
help → const String
map help to Lottie help
home → const String
map home to Lottie home
infinity → const String
map infinity to Lottie infinity
info → const String
map info to Lottie info
instagram → const String
map instagram to Lottie instagram
linkedin → const String
map linkedin to Lottie linkedin
loading → const String
map loading to Lottie loading
loadingV2 → const String
map loadingV2 to Lottie loadingV2
loadingV3 → const String
map loadingV3 to Lottie loadingV3
lock → const String
map lock to Lottie lock
mail → const String
map mail to Lottie mail
maximizeMinimize → const String
map maximizeMinimize to Lottie maximizeMinimize
maximizeMinimizeV2 → const String
map maximizeMinimizeV2 to Lottie maximizeMinimizeV2
map menu to Lottie menu
map menuV2 to Lottie menuV2
map menuV3 to Lottie menuV3
map menuV3 to Lottie menuV3
map menuV4 to Lottie menuV4
microphone → const String
map microphone to Lottie microphone
microphoneV2 → const String
map microphoneV2 to Lottie microphoneV2
notification → const String
map notification to Lottie notification
notificationV2 → const String
map notificationV2 to Lottie notificationV2
playPause → const String
map playPause to Lottie playPause
playPauseCircle → const String
map playPauseCircle to Lottie playPauseCircle
plusToX → const String
map plusToX to Lottie plusToX
pocket → const String
map pocket to Lottie pocket
radioButton → const String
map radioButton to Lottie radioButton
searchToX → const String
map searchToX to Lottie searchToX
settings → const String
map settings to Lottie settings
settingsV2 → const String
map settingsV2 to Lottie settingsV2
share → const String
map share to Lottie share
skipBack → const String
map skipBack to Lottie skipBack
skipForward → const String
map skipForward to Lottie skipForward
star → const String
map star to Lottie star
thumbUp → const String
map thumbUp to Lottie thumbUp
toggle → const String
map toggle to Lottie toggle
trash → const String
map trash to Lottie trash
trashV2 → const String
map trashV2 to Lottie trashV2
twitter → const String
map twitter to Lottie twitter
userMinus → const String
map userMinus to Lottie userMinus
userPlus → const String
map userPlus to Lottie userPlus
userX → const String
map userX to Lottie userX
video → const String
map video to Lottie video
videoV2 → const String
map videoV2 to Lottie videoV2
visibility → const String
map visibility to Lottie visibility
visibility_V3 → const String
map visibility_V3 to Lottie visibility-V3
visibilityV2 → const String
map visibilityV2 to Lottie visibilityV2
volume → const String
map volume to Lottie volume
youtube → const String
map youtube to Lottie youtube
youtube_2 → const String
map youtube_2 to Lottie youtube-2
zoom_in → const String
map zoom_in to Lottie zoom-in
zoom_out → const String
map zoom_out to Lottie zoom-out