reparentTypes property
Widget types to reparent, mapped to a method that handles that type. This is used to make it easy to work with widgets that require specific parents. For example, the Positioned widget, which needs its immediate parent to be a Stack.
Handles Flexible, Positioned, and Expanded by default, but you can add additional
handlers as appropriate. Example, this would add support for a hypothetical
"AlignPositioned" widget, that has an alignment
Animate.reparentTypes[AlignPositioned] = (parent, child) {
AlignPositioned o = parent as AlignPositioned;
return AlignPositioned(alignment: o.alignment, child: child);
static Map reparentTypes = <Type, ReparentChildBuilder>{
Flexible: (parent, child) {
Flexible o = parent as Flexible;
return Flexible(key: o.key, flex: o.flex, fit:, child: child);
Positioned: (parent, child) {
Positioned o = parent as Positioned;
return Positioned(
key: o.key,
left: o.left,
right: o.right,
bottom: o.bottom,
width: o.width,
height: o.height,
child: child,
Expanded: (parent, child) {
Expanded o = parent as Expanded;
return Expanded(key: o.key, flex: o.flex, child: child);