→ int
The hash code for this object.
no setter inherited
→ Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setter inherited
noSuchMethod (Invocation invocation )
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString ()
→ String
A string representation of this object.
Static Methods
angleLerp (double from , double to , double t )
→ double
angleLerpOptimized (Float32x4 angle , Float32x4 from , double t )
→ double
angleShortestDistance (double from , double to )
→ double
bearingBetweenLocations (LatLngInfo latLngFrom , LatLngInfo latLngTo )
→ double
calculateZoomScale (double densityDpi , double zoomLevel , ILatLng target )
→ double
computeAngleBetween (ILatLng from , ILatLng to )
→ num
computeDistanceBetween (ILatLng from , ILatLng to )
→ num
computeHeading (ILatLng from , ILatLng to )
→ num
distanceRadians (num lat1 , num lng1 , num lat2 , num lng2 )
→ num
getBearing (ILatLng begin , ILatLng end )
→ double
interpolate (ILatLng from , ILatLng to , num fraction )
→ ILatLng
Returns the LatLng which lies the given fraction of the way between the
origin LatLng and the destination LatLng.
@param from The LatLng from which to start.
@param to The LatLng toward which to travel.
@param fraction A fraction of the distance to travel.
@return The interpolated LatLng.
inverseLerp (double min , double max , double value )
→ double
inverseLerpOptimized (Float32x4 min , Float32x4 max , Float32x4 delta , bool isEqualValue , Float32x4 value )
→ Float32x4
latLngtoVector3 (ILatLng iLatLng )
→ Vector3
latRad (dynamic lat )
→ double
lerpUnclamped (Vector3 min , Vector3 max , double x )
→ Vector3
lerpUnclampedOptimized (Float32x4 min , Float32x4 max , Float32x4 x )
→ Float32x4
toVector3 (double lat , double lng )
→ Vector3
vectorInterpolate (ILatLng from , ILatLng to , double t )
→ ILatLng
vectorInterpolateOptimized (Float32x4 delta , Float32x4 min , double t )
→ ILatLng
vectorSlerp (List <double > inputs , List <Vector3 > results , double desiredInput )
→ Vector3
vectorSlerpOptimized (Float32x4List preList , Float32x4 last , double step , double t )
→ Float32x4
vectorToPolar (Vector3 i )
→ ILatLng
vectorToPolarOptimized (Float32x4 vector )
→ ILatLng
zoom (dynamic mapPx , dynamic worldPx , dynamic fraction )
→ double