copyWith method
- double? alphaParam,
- Offset? anchorParam,
- bool? consumeTapEventsParam,
- bool? draggableParam,
- bool? flatParam,
- BitmapDescriptor? iconParam,
- InfoWindow? infoWindowParam,
- LatLng? positionParam,
- double? rotationParam,
- bool? visibleParam,
- double? zIndexParam,
- VoidCallback? onTapParam,
- ValueChanged<
LatLng> ? onDragStartParam, - ValueChanged<
LatLng> ? onDragParam, - ValueChanged<
LatLng> ? onDragEndParam, - ClusterManagerId? clusterManagerIdParam,
Creates a new Marker
object whose values are the same as this instance,
unless overwritten by the specified parameters.
Marker copyWith({
double? alphaParam,
Offset? anchorParam,
bool? consumeTapEventsParam,
bool? draggableParam,
bool? flatParam,
BitmapDescriptor? iconParam,
InfoWindow? infoWindowParam,
LatLng? positionParam,
double? rotationParam,
bool? visibleParam,
double? zIndexParam,
VoidCallback? onTapParam,
ValueChanged<LatLng>? onDragStartParam,
ValueChanged<LatLng>? onDragParam,
ValueChanged<LatLng>? onDragEndParam,
ClusterManagerId? clusterManagerIdParam,
}) {
return Marker(
markerId: markerId,
alpha: alphaParam ?? alpha,
anchor: anchorParam ?? anchor,
consumeTapEvents: consumeTapEventsParam ?? consumeTapEvents,
draggable: draggableParam ?? draggable,
flat: flatParam ?? flat,
icon: iconParam ?? icon,
infoWindow: infoWindowParam ?? infoWindow,
position: positionParam ?? position,
rotation: rotationParam ?? rotation,
visible: visibleParam ?? visible,
zIndex: zIndexParam ?? zIndex,
onTap: onTapParam ?? onTap,
onDragStart: onDragStartParam ?? onDragStart,
onDrag: onDragParam ?? onDrag,
onDragEnd: onDragEndParam ?? onDragEnd,
clusterManagerId: clusterManagerIdParam ?? clusterManagerId,