parent property

Animation<T>? parent

The animation whose value this animation will proxy.

This value is mutable. When mutated, the listeners on the proxy animation will be transparently updated to be listening to the new parent animation.


Animation<T>? get parent => _parent;
void parent=(Animation<T>? value)


set parent(Animation<T>? value) {
  if (value == _parent) return;
  if (_parent != null) {
    _status = _parent!.status;
    _value = _parent!.value;
    if (isListening) didStopListening();
  _parent = value;
  if (_parent != null) {
    if (isListening) didStartListening();
    if (_value != _parent!.value) notifyListeners();
    if (_status != _parent!.status) notifyStatusListeners(_parent!.status);
    _status = null;
    _value = null;