InAppIcon constructor

const InAppIcon({
  1. String? regular,
  2. String? solid,
  3. String? bold,
  4. String package = "assets",
  5. String path = "icons",

Creates an instance of InAppIcon.


  • regular: The path to the regular variant of the icon.
  • solid: The path to the solid variant of the icon.
  • bold: The path to the bold variant of the icon.
  • package: The package where the icons are located (default is "assets").
  • path: The path to the icons directory (default is "icons").


const InAppIcon({
  String? regular,
  String? solid,
  String? bold,
  String package = "assets",
  String path = "icons",
})  : regular = "$package/$path/${regular ?? bold ?? solid}",
      solid = "$package/$path/${solid ?? bold ?? regular}",
      bold = "$package/$path/${bold ?? solid ?? regular}";