generates static method

List<Color> generates({
  1. int minOpacity = 150,
  2. int maxOpacity = 255,
  3. int length = 2,
  4. List<Color> colors = const [],

Generates a list of random colors or colors from the given list with specified opacity range.

The minOpacity and maxOpacity parameters define the range for the alpha (opacity) value of the colors. The alpha values will be randomly chosen between these two values (inclusive).

The length parameter specifies the number of colors to generate.

If colors list is provided, the colors will be selected from this list, with alpha values adjusted according to the specified range. If colors list is empty, new random colors will be generated.


// Generating a list of random colors
List<Color> randomColors = ColorGenerator.generates(length: 5);
randomColors.forEach((color) => print(color)); // Output: List of random colors

// Generating a list of colors from a provided list with random alpha values
List<Color> baseColors = [Color(0xFFFF0000), Color(0xFF00FF00), Color(0xFF0000FF)];
List<Color> customColors = ColorGenerator.generates(length: 3, colors: baseColors);
customColors.forEach((color) => print(color)); // Output: List of colors with random alpha
  • minOpacity: Minimum alpha value (0 to 255). Default is 150.
  • maxOpacity: Maximum alpha value (0 to 255). Default is 255.
  • length: Number of colors to generate. Default is 2.
  • colors: List of base colors to pick from. Default is an empty list.


static List<Color> generates({
  int minOpacity = 150,
  int maxOpacity = 255,
  int length = 2,
  List<Color> colors = const [],
}) {
  if (colors.isEmpty) {
    return List.generate(length, (_) {
      return generate(maxOpacity: maxOpacity, minOpacity: minOpacity);
  } else {
    List<Color> list = [];
    for (int index = 0; index < length; index++) {
      int alpha = minOpacity + _random.nextInt(maxOpacity - minOpacity + 1);
      int i = _random.nextInt(colors.length);
    return list;