toString method
A string representation of this object.
Some classes have a default textual representation,
often paired with a static parse
function (like int.parse).
These classes will provide the textual representation as
their string representation.
Other classes have no meaningful textual representation
that a program will care about.
Such classes will typically override toString
to provide
useful information when inspecting the object,
mainly for debugging or logging.
String toString() {
return 'MarkerOptions{icon: $icon, icons: $icons, alpha: $alpha, anchorU: $anchorU, anchorV: $anchorV, draggable: $draggable, infoWindowEnable: $infoWindowEnable, period: $period, position: $position, rotateAngle: $rotateAngle, isFlat: $isFlat, isGps: $isGps, infoWindowOffsetX: $infoWindowOffsetX, infoWindowOffsetY: $infoWindowOffsetY, snippet: $snippet, title: $title, visible: $visible, autoOverturnInfoWindow: $autoOverturnInfoWindow, zIndex: $zIndex, displayLevel: $displayLevel, belowMaskLayer: $belowMaskLayer, lockedToScreen: $lockedToScreen, lockedScreenPoint: $lockedScreenPoint, customCalloutView: $customCalloutView, enabled: $enabled, highlighted: $highlighted, selected: $selected, leftCalloutAccessoryView: $leftCalloutAccessoryView, rightCalloutAccessoryView: $rightCalloutAccessoryView, haveBubble: $haveBubble, haveAddressLabel: $haveAddressLabel, bubbleContent: $bubbleContent, addressLabelContent: $addressLabelContent}';