CustomInkRipple constructor

  1. required MaterialInkController controller,
  2. required RenderBox referenceBox,
  3. required Offset position,
  4. required Color color,
  5. required TextDirection textDirection,
  6. bool containedInkWell = false,
  7. RectCallback? rectCallback,
  8. BorderRadius? borderRadius,
  9. ShapeBorder? customBorder,
  10. double? radius,
  11. VoidCallback? onRemoved,
  12. CustomInkRippleSetting setting = CustomInkRippleSetting.defaultSetting,


  required MaterialInkController controller,
  required RenderBox referenceBox,
  required Offset position,
  required Color color,
  required TextDirection textDirection,
  bool containedInkWell = false,
  RectCallback? rectCallback,
  BorderRadius? borderRadius,
  ShapeBorder? customBorder,
  double? radius,
  VoidCallback? onRemoved,
  CustomInkRippleSetting setting = CustomInkRippleSetting.defaultSetting,
})  : _position = position,
      _borderRadius = borderRadius ??,
      _customBorder = customBorder,
      _textDirection = textDirection,
      _targetRadius = radius ?? _getTargetRadiusForRipple(referenceBox, containedInkWell, rectCallback, position),
      _clipCallback = _getClipCallback(referenceBox, containedInkWell, rectCallback),
      _setting = setting,
      super(controller: controller, referenceBox: referenceBox, color: color, onRemoved: onRemoved) {
  // Immediately begin fading-in the initial splash.
  _fadeInController = AnimationController(duration: _setting.unconfirmedFadeInDuration /* _kFadeInDuration */, vsync: controller.vsync)
    ..forward(); // <<<
  _fadeIn =
    begin: 0,
    end: color.alpha,

  // Controls the splash radius and its center. Starts upon confirm.
  _radiusController = AnimationController(duration: _setting.unconfirmedRippleDuration /* _kUnconfirmedRippleDuration */, vsync: controller.vsync)
    ..forward(); // <<<
  // Initial splash diameter is 60% of the target diameter, final
  // diameter is 10dps larger than the target diameter.
  _radius =
      begin: _setting.radiusAnimationBeginFn?.call(_targetRadius) ?? _targetRadius * 0.30,
      end: _setting.radiusAnimationEndFn?.call(_targetRadius) ?? _targetRadius + 5.0,

  // Controls the splash radius and its center. Starts upon confirm however its
  // Interval delays changes until the radius expansion has completed.
  _fadeOutController = AnimationController(duration: _setting._confirmedFadeOutDuration /* _kFadeOutDuration */, vsync: controller.vsync)
  _fadeOutIntervalTween = CurveTween(curve: Interval(_setting._confirmedFadeOutInterval /* _kFadeOutIntervalStart */, 1.0));
  _fadeOut =
      begin: color.alpha,
      end: 0,
