dispatchEventWithResponseCallback static method

Future<Event> dispatchEventWithResponseCallback(
  1. Event event,
  2. int timeoutMS

You should use this method when the Event being passed is a request and you expect an event in response. Any events dispatched by this call will not be processed until after start has been called. @param event The event to be dispatched @param timeoutMS The time in milliseconds to wait for a response @return A future that resolves with the response event. If timeout happens, the future will complete with an error.


static Future<Event> dispatchEventWithResponseCallback(
        Event event, int timeoutMS) =>
    _channel.invokeMethod<Map<dynamic, dynamic>>(
        'dispatchEventWithResponseCallback', {
      'eventData': event.data,
      'timeout': timeoutMS,
    }).then((value) => Event(value!));