
An advanced segment widget, that can be fully customized with bunch of properties, just try it and enjoy!

State 1 State 2
Flutter Advanced Segment State 1 Flutter Advanced Segment State 2


Use like TabBar

Regular Segment

// Create a controller
final _controller = AdvancedSegmentController('all');
  controller: _controller, // AdvancedSegmentController
  segments: { // Map<String, String>
    'all': 'All',
    'starred': 'Starred',

Customized Segment

// Create a controller
final _controller = AdvancedSegmentController('all');
  controller: _controller, // AdvancedSegmentController
  segments: { // Map<String, String>
    'all': 'All',
    'primary': 'Primary',
    'secondary': 'Secondary',
    'tertiary': 'Tertiary',
  activeStyle: TextStyle( // TextStyle
    color: Colors.white,
    fontWeight: FontWeight.w600,
  inactiveStyle: TextStyle( // TextStyle
    color: Colors.white54,
  backgroundColor: Colors.black26, // Color
  sliderColor: Colors.white, // Color
  sliderOffset: 2.0, // Double
  borderRadius: const BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(8.0)), // BorderRadius
  itemPadding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric( // EdgeInsets
    horizontal: 15,
    vertical: 10,
  animationDuration: Duration(milliseconds: 250), // Duration
  sliderShadow: const <BoxShadow>[
      color: Colors.black26,
      blurRadius: 8.0,

AdvancedSegment Parameters

Parameter Description Type Default
controller Manage AdvancedSegment state AdvancedSegmentController
segments Map of presented segments Map<String, String> required
activeStyle TextStyle fontWeight: FontWeight.w600
inactiveStyle TextStyle
backgroundColor Color Colors.black26
sliderColor Color Colors.white
sliderOffset double 2.0
borderRadius BorderRadius Radius.circular(8.0)
itemPadding EdgeInsets EdgeInsets.symmetric(h: 15, v: 10)
animationDuration Duration Duration(milliseconds: 250)
sliderShadow BoxShadow Shadow


Flutter Advanced Segment Demo