
Only a single Flutter widgets that makes Checkboxes and Radio Buttons with string you provided And you can to provide idvalue which you wish you get in Very Easy Way!


Add the following to your pubspec.yaml file:

    flut_grouped_buttons: ^0.0.7

Simple Usage

Creating a basic CheckBox with string list

  data: <String>[
  onSelected: (checked) => print(checked)

Creating a basic CheckBox with map list

FlutGroupedButtons<Map<String, String>>(
    idKey: 'id',
    valueKey: 'name',
    data: const [
    {"id": 'id1', "name": "Saturday"},
    {"id": 'id2', "name": "Sunday"},
    {"id": 'id3', "name": "Monday"},
    {"id": 'id4', "name": "Tuesday"},
    {"id": 'id5', "name": "Wednesday"},
    {"id": 'id6', "name": "Thursday"},
    {"id": 'id7', "name": "Friday"},
    onChanged: (id) => print(id),

Creating a basic RadioButton with string list

    isRadio: true,
  data: <String>[
  onSelected: (checked) => print(checked)

Creating a basic RadioButton with map list here the return value is the value of idKey you iserted

FlutGroupedButtons<Map<String, String>>(
    isRadio: true,
    idKey: 'id',
    valueKey: 'name',
    data: const [
    {"id": 'id1', "name": "Saturday"},
    {"id": 'id2', "name": "Sunday"},
    {"id": 'id3', "name": "Monday"},
    {"id": 'id4', "name": "Tuesday"},
    {"id": 'id5', "name": "Wednesday"},
    {"id": 'id6', "name": "Thursday"},
    {"id": 'id7', "name": "Friday"},
    onChanged: (id) => print(id),

Properties FlutGroupedButtons

Properties Description
isRadio If it's true Activate The Radio Button Widget.
isRow If it's true it will be Row.
idKey Specifies the id key value when you use map input for data only use for map .
valueKey Specifies the value key in your map input for data only use for map.
activeColor The active color you choose.
checkColor The check color you choose.
labelStyle The Style for your text.
checkShape The outlined shape you choose for your check shape.
titleCheckSpace The space between your title and your checkbox.


Basic Usage