screenSwitchValue<Type> method

Type screenSwitchValue<Type>({
  1. FluidoBreakpoints? breakpoints,
  2. required Type sm,
  3. Type? md,
  4. Type? lg,
  5. Type? xl,
  6. Type? xl2,

Selects the specified value according to the screen or window size. It updates automatically as dimensions change and can be used for values of any type.

Same as using ScreenSwitchValue directly.


Type screenSwitchValue<Type>({
  FluidoBreakpoints? breakpoints,
  required Type sm,
  Type? md,
  Type? lg,
  Type? xl,
  Type? xl2,
}) {
  return ScreenSwitchValue<Type>(
    breakpoints: breakpoints,
    sm: sm,
    md: md,
    lg: lg,
    xl: xl,
    xl2: xl2,