layoutSwitchWidget method

Widget layoutSwitchWidget({
  1. FluidoBreakpoints? breakpoints,
  2. required Widget sm,
  3. Widget? md,
  4. Widget? lg,
  5. Widget? xl,
  6. Widget? xl2,

Selects the specified Widget based on the size of the parent widget. It updates automatically as dimensions change.

Same as using LayoutSwitchWidget directly.


Widget layoutSwitchWidget({
  FluidoBreakpoints? breakpoints,
  required Widget sm,
  Widget? md,
  Widget? lg,
  Widget? xl,
  Widget? xl2,
}) {
  return LayoutSwitchWidget(
    breakpoints: breakpoints,
    sm: sm,
    md: md,
    lg: lg,
    xl: xl,
    xl2: xl2,